Before talking about response rate, there's a fact. Each day, an average consumer receives from at least twenty to two hundred emails, fluttering in their inbox asking for the user’s attention. Hence, our generation has become accustomed to the overflowing inbox. You might have as well, opened a mail, looked to the screen, and unsubscribed it without actually reading it.
But still, email marketing proves to be the most effective and affordable form of digital marketing strategy. In this competitive world, it becomes crucial for companies to cut to the chase to receive a good email response rate. Many small or even large businesses often see low response rate, while using the average B2B email marketing tools and regimes. They often are eligible to achieve a medium response rate of 1.9%. While these numbers still stand to be profitable due to it’s the email marketing modus operandi being low cost and flexibility that does not mean there is no chance for improvement.
Improving your brand’s response rate to the email marketing campaigns requires a good understanding of who exactly your audience is, and what are their needs. Personalized messages with good quality content are often considered as a basic trick to improve response rate. The response rate can be further improved by keeping some simple and effective tricks in mind.
Meaning of Email Response Rate
Email Response Rate is the percentage of targeted users who reply to an email campaign or click the call to action button and lads on the brand’s website generating the traffic. Email response rates show you which of your newsletter subscribers are true-hearted and follow you and your brand, giving you a way to move forward strategically.
What is considered as a good response rate?
Deciding on the average “good response rate ” varies concerning the type of emails you are marketing through. The other factor that weighs in is the industry your business belongs to.
Some companies consider 10% as a good response rate while others may consider 20% as the good one.
Modern era Digital marketers have grabbed plenty of key performance indicators (KPIs) which they use to observe the open or click-through rates, response rate are even easier to measure.
When measuring email response rate, never consider the number of subscribers to whom the emails were sent as part of the equation. That is simply because not all emails get delivered. There exist users who just type anything in the ‘subscribe to newsletter” box just to enter the website.
To calculate the email response rate. Just Take the number of email responses received and divide them by the number of successfully delivered emails. Multiply the quotient by 100 and Viola! You just measured your email response rate. Isn’t that easy?
Does your company as well need to boost their email response rate? Here are Few Tips to Improve the Email Response rate like a pro in no time.
- Always set up a trigger email campaigns
- Always segment your mail list to deliver the curated content.
- Always use the catchy subjects’ lines
- Always cut to the chase in your emails
- Always format for emails for the mobile views (because not everyone checks them on desktops)
- Always add a call to action (CTA). Always!
Do you wish to improve your email response rate without much hassling around? Visit INBOX today!