8 Reasons Why Your Campaign Is Cancelled

We’re here to protect you and keep you away from spam box. Our security system INBOXShield controls your campaign before sending, it’s called “Phishing Control.” Here you can find the 7 reasons why your campaign is cancelled during phishing control.

  1. Address is not acceptable

In order to be able to send your campaigns, your company’s physical address must be registered in the system. This is a necessary and important issue in terms of security.

  • Your campaign is not comply with Anti-Spam Rules

There are internationally valid anti-spam rules in email sendings. These rules are there to protect you and the recipient and to make the content better quality. By accessing our anti-spam policies from the link below, you can improve your content and learn the reason why your sending was canceled.


  • Campaign has affiliate links

The use of affiliate links is not allowed in INBOX. Shortened links, links that re-direct to another website when clicked, mostly contain fraudulent content, so both the spam rate is very high and may pose a danger to the recipients. You are expected to use original links in your campaigns.

  • Different Brand

You should send your campaigns on the behalf of your own brand. Your domain name of your sender account and the brand in your campaigns should be same. It is important to take such a precaution to prevent sending on behalf of other brands.

  • Double Sending to The Same List

Sometimes the same campaign can be sent to the same list one after the other. This will both reduce your deliverability rate and your recipients will not be satisfied with this situation. INBOXShield can notice this and only 1 of your campaigns will be approved.

  • Broken Links

The links you use in your campaigns are important. Recipient service providers control the content and quality of your links. This is an important criterion during spam control. INBOXShield cancels campaigns with broken links.

  • Missing link to your own website

It is a very important criterion that the brand belongs to you. Your campaigns must have a link to your own brand’s website. You should at least include this link in your logo or anywhere in your email.

  • Malicious Email

You’ve all heard of fraud emails. These emails often contain malicious software that imitates brands’ names by making minor changes. For example; [email protected]. Did you see the difference? These kind of emails are detected by our security system, immediately and this is a reason to ban an account.