Create innovative emails from top to bottom

Header and footer design: All you need to know

If you want to communicate with your subscribers, improve conversion rates and engage readers, try email marketing. Normally we focus on the  body of the email , but other crucial parts in creating a successful email are equally important. Let’s embrace this subject, head first.

Start with a punch

What about email headers?

A header is a sort of instruction. And as an introduction is the first thing your clients will see. A good first impression in your header is a must. In interviews and dates you always need a good first impression, and in an email header is the same. Either Good or bad, a header will set the tone during the rest of your email and creates a path of communication with your customers.

Elements an email header should provide:

  • Establishes your brand: Receivers will know who the emitter of the email is, the header should match  the “from” field in the email
  • Introduces information: A header should be straight to the point and pleasant for easy analysing and maximum attention from readers.
  • Follow trends throughout all your campaigns: A good strategy is making your campaigns work one with another to create a continuous line of information .

Things to include in your header:

  • brand name/logo: Besides assuring the emitter of the email, it boosts brand recognition; the more your logo appears, the better.
  • “Browser Viewing”: This link allows people to open your email on their browser, in case the application provides a deficient display.
  • Link navigation: While up to your convenience, link navigation provides a good way to show promotions for e-commerce websites.
  • Photos: entrancing images at the beginning of the email can persuade a reader’s curiosity; Keep in mind that if you want to have a header that will be used in future campaigns; you’ll have to handpick an image that can be used across all email campaigns.
  • Preview: Basically a line that acts like a support for the header. It is usually a second subject line.
  • Website Links: This relates to any link that can be used for valuable information for the clients or related products/promotions. .

Tips for Design:

  • A Short Header is better: Don’t use the whole screen as it is important to allow the readers a grasp of the emails content..
  • Simple is key: Easy access to the intended message should be provided. .
  • Be creative: Choose any design you like. Once you find the best design try to keep with it. Remember that using one design helps crate fame .
  • Newsletter: Apply this tips to your newsletters as well..

For instance:
Ending with a punch

How to define an email footer?

Literally the last chance you have to intrigue and create interest in the topic to the reader. As in any date or interview you want the leave a good impression till the end. Creating a well written footer is important to keep the reader involved in learning more till the end. .

A good footer achieves:

  • Simplicity: It’s comfortable to read, and avoids unrelated information or unnecessary words.
  • Straightforwardness: Readers can comprehend what they’re learning and why they are learning it (terms and conditions, promotions, etc).
  • Confidence: Creates confidence in the clienta as easy steps to follow and resources to help them are provided.

Main footer elements:

  • Contact : Make contact easy to access (Physical address, website adress), also include contact number in case of doubts or further information.
  • Resources: social media links, products or articles that relate with your email subject.
  • Promotions and policies: Put some promotions information, also provide privacy policies and copyright links.
  • Unsubscribe option: This always should be provided according to GDPR legislation and CAN-SPAM .
  • Hyperlinks: Provide Hyperlinks for user creation, this guarantees a way for readers to sign up and view the information in their browser..

Design tips:

  • Simplicity: If you are showing a product event; Don’t bother filling your clients with unnecessary specifications and over detailed terms and conditions. Jut provide wat is needed..
  • Order: Focus on placing your information in order of importance  and what you want your recipients to focus on.
  • Style: use a background color change on the footer for easy differentiation from the body.
  • Soft wording : To involve your readers in after reading your email, some extra action might be necessary. But don’t shook them with big chunks of text. Only involve the necessary information and links that might be useful.

Footer Example:

When starting a new campaign and trying a new design, keep in mind going beyond focusing on the body of the email. The beginning and end of your email is just as important. Always keep in mind that starting and ending your emails with  a good punch is a must. This and the fact that your clients most leave your emails: informed, entertained and willing to read any information you send in future.